Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

How to Create Your Own Telegram All Messages Deleting Bot | InFoTel

How to Create Your Own Telegram All Messages Deleting Bot?

Available Commands

/delall - Delete All Message

/selfrom - Select first Message 
/selto - Select Last Message
/seldel - Delete Selected Message   

/seldel photo - Delete All Photos
/seldel document -Delete All Documents 
/seldel sticker - Delete All Stickers 
/seldel audio - Delete All audio
/seldel animation - Delete All animation
/seldel video - Delete All video
/seldel video_note - Delete All video note
/seldel text - Delete All text
/seldel voice - Delete All voice

/seldel document photo - Delete All 
document & photo
/seldel sticker voice - Delete All 
sticker & voice

Credit: ThankTelegram

How To Make Telegram File Sharing Bot

You Can Create Your Own Telegram File Sharing Bot with Zero Coding

Support Group: @ThankTelegram


Open this link:
Bot Father: @BotFather


Your 🥺 bot will be up in no 🥵 time!

P.S.: All this is free, and so if you like the efforts consider donating to the developer. For any feedback or suggestions, please reply to this message.

Credit: @SpEcHlDe


Please Note: All files sent to the bot, will be permanently available to all the users, till the file / message is available in the respective channel.

If you need to take down any file, please contact the original creator of the respective Telegram Bot. This service does not store / make available any files in any shape / form. We have absolutely no knowledge of the content that any users sends to their Telegram Bots, we don't save anything, not even the searches. Indexing process is completely manual. we don't check it. Whatever the stupid users suck in goes, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. This is merely a bot creation tool, aimed at experimenting with the Telegram Login Widget.

How To Transfer WhatsApp Message To Telegram Group

Telegram SMS is a Telegram Bot that runs on your Android device. It requires no third-party relay server, but your network must have access to It can manage your SMS, missed calls, and battery information via remote commands.

Telegram SMS only allows one bot running on one phone, so please DO NOT deploy one bot between different phones, or errors might occur. You can add multiple bot accounts to a Group or a Channel to manage them together.



  • Forward SMS text messages to Telegram as a bot;
  • Notification regarding missed calls;
  • Notification regarding device battery power changes;
  • Remote control via chat command or SMS.


  • This app requires following permissions to work properly:
  • SMS: To read and send text messages.
  • Phone: Check whether it is a dual SIM-Card phone, the SIM status and its identification digits.
  • Call phone: Execute the USSD code.
  • Call log: Read incoming numbers.
  • Camera: Scan the QR code and quickly enter the Bot Token.
  • Notification access: Listen for notification messages.
You can set this APP as the default SMS APP, which will stop popping up SMS notifications and set all received SMS as "read" on the phone.

Warning: All versions are not compatible (not signed by the same key)! You have to uninstall one first to install another, which will delete all your data.

How To Download Telegram-SMS Apk

The APP distributed by XDA Labs is the latest stable version. Revenues generated will be used to help the author to improve its future stability and user experience. You can still download the latest version from the following GitHub release page.

Free Download Link:
Android 5.0 or lower Link:

Mobile View

Desktop View

Copyright Information

  • Telegram is a trademark of Telegram Messenger LLP.
  • Cloudflare® is a trademark of Cloudflare, Inc.
  • MIUI® is a trademark of Xiaomi Corporation.

How To Make Own Telegram True Caller bot | Number Searching Bot

About the bot

Simply the purpose of this bot is to gather information about a phone number(only indian numbers).
Combined Results from Truecaller and eyecon app is provided.
Saves your time...:-)

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Mozilla Public License for more details.



                        1st Download 3 Apps
1. True Caller:
  • 1. Android v6 & 7 Phones
  • 2. Android v8+ Root Access 
If the above step fails then
install parallel space and run truecaller/eyecon inside parallel space and then monitor parallel space in http canary then we can see the requests and responses.remaining steps are same.

If the above two methods fails,then try thisinstall vmos virtual os from vmos (Pro App) select rom 5.1 (it may take some time to load)

After that you need to install truecaller/eyecon apps inside that newly created virtual os (normal installation).

Then, open http canary in your phone (not in vmos)
and monitor vmos app(at the same time run eyecon/truecaller inside vmos so that we can see the requests and responses).
remaining steps are same

5. BOT_TOKEN: @BotFather
6. DB_URL:
7. E_AUTH: from eyecon app request header
8. E_AUTH_C: from eyecon app request header
9. E_AUTH_V: from eyecon app request header
10. T_AUTH: from true caller app request header

How To Create an Inline File Searching Telegram Bot | Make Inline Telegram Bot

Media Search bot. Index channel files for inline search. When you going to post file on telegram channel this bot will save that in database, So you and your subscribers can easily search that in inline mode. This bot supports document, video and audio file formats with caption.

How to use?

First add this bot in channel as a Admin
Then whenever you post file, bot will save that in database, 
So you can easily search whenever you want.

1. ADMINS: @googleimgbot
3. BOT_TOKEN: @BotFather
4. CHANNELS: @googleimgbot

Admin commands

/channel - Get basic infomation about channels
/total - Show total of saved files
/delete - Delete file from database
/logger - Get log file


1. You can use | to separate query and file type while searching for specific type of file. For example: Avengers | video
2. If you don't want to create a channel or group, use your chat ID / username as the channel ID. When you send a file to a bot, it will be saved in the database.

How To Make Telegram TeleBot Userbot

TeleBot is a python based Telegram userbot with many exclusive features.

Features -

Telegram userbot to enhance your experience on telegram with no tension of account ban. Comes with inbuilt gban, broadcast plugins and many more... Stable and made using Telethon, with a really simple UI and 24/7 support :)


Telegram Channel: @TeleBotHelp
Telegram Group: @TeleBotHelpChat
1. ALIVE_NAME: Your Telegram Username
4. OWNER_ID: @missrose_bot
5. PRIVATE_GROUP_BOT_API_ID: @missrose_bot
6. PRIVATE_GROUP_ID: @missrose_bot
8. SUDO_USERS: @missrose_bot
9. TG_BOT_TOKEN_BF_HER: @BotFather
11. TZ:


Your Telegram account may get banned. I am not responsible for any improper use of this bot This bot is intended for the purpose of having fun with memes, as well as efficiently managing groups. You ended up spamming groups, getting reported left and right, and you ended up in a Finale Battle with Telegram and at the end Telegram Team deleted your account? And after that, then you pointed your fingers at us for getting your acoount deleted? I will be rolling on the floor laughing at you.
Share To Telegram

How To Create Telegram Channel Index Link

"I have few friends who do not use Telegram, for some reason. And occasionally few of them approaches me to get this film/show they wants to watch. Since they don't use telegram generating links for the file is the only option. They are my friends and I care about them, so I'll get the file and give them the link.

I'm quite lazy and even though I care about my friends, repeating the same process of finding the file generating the link is not what i enjoy. So i was thinking for a solution, the first thing that came to my mind is to introduce them to any of the google drive indexing apps. 

But I had access to quite a lot of Telegram files, so I thought of why not create a telegram indexer. 
I took the weekend to build one such app, and i hope it will fix my issue"

Telegram Index
Python Web App which indexes a telegram channel(or a chat) and serves its files for download.

This app indexes all the available messages.
If the message is a media message, you can download the file.
You can search for specific terms too.


API_ID (required):
API_HASH (required):
CHAT_ID (required): @ShowJsonBot
DEBUG (optional): Give some value to set logging level to debug, INFO by default.
SESSION_STRING: python3 app/
PORT (optional): Port on which app should listen to, defaults to 8080.
HOST (optional): Host name on which app should listen to, defaults to


Contributions are welcome.


You can contact me @odysseusmax.


Code released under The GNU General Public License.

How To Search Torrent Files In Telegram | Telegram Bot

Torrent Search Bot
Hi Iam Torrent Search Bot . I Will Help You To Find Your Items From The Torrent Sites. All You Have To Do Is Just Send Me What You Want To Search For And I Will Find That For You. Dont Spam Me By Sending Continuous Messages. 

How To Create Friendly Telegram Userbot [FTG User bot]

Best Stable Telegram Userbot

Friendly Telegram Support

Support Group:
Support Off-topic:




OTP Not Working?? Try Another Method:
(. <($(which curl>/dev/null&&echo curl -Ls||echo wget -qO-) --heroku --no-web)

How To Create Telegram Cat Userbot

Cat userbot is the pro bot based on telethon with new useful features and incomparable plugins and unwatchable simplicity. Making the use of telegram more accurate and simple by the userbot way you can get built help menu and also usage for many plugins.

Cat Userbot

Support Channel: @catuserbot17
Support Group: @catuserbot_support

Important Feuteres

* G-drive
* Songs 
* Video songs
* Build in help support 
* Sending location
* Sudo users feature
* YouTube download
* Group managing(promoting,demoting,mute , global mute)
* PM Permit


6. TG_BOT_TOKEN_BF_HER: @BotFather
8. TZ:

For PMpermit and afk functioning you need to set 2 values in heroku
Go to heroku - Desktop view - Your app - Settings - Reveal config vars - Add key and value 

And you can get value by creating a new private group along with any bot like rose and type this message in group .get_id
Here are both have same values

To G-Drive setup check this guide:

How To Create Your Own URL Upload Telegram Bot

How To Create Your Own URL Upload Telegram Bot Im a simple URL Uploader bot. Send me any valid Direct URL ill upload it to telegram. Don't know how to use me ? click /help if you needed any help.


Link: [Clone Link]
Link: [Use VPN] 

Create TeamDrive (Unlimited Google Drive) & Link Sharing With CloudFlare Workers


2. Teamdrive: @HK2_ROBOT
3. Go, and follow its instructions.
4. Cloud Flare :

Source Code:

Manual way

  1. Install rclone
  2. Setup your Google Drive:
  3. Run rclone config file to find your rclone.conf location
  4. Find refresh_token in your rclone.conf, and root_folder_id too(optionally).
  5. Copy the content of worker/dist/worker.js to CloudFlare Workers.
  6. Fill refresh_tokenroot_folder_id and other options on the top of the script.
  7. Deploy!

Lite mode

This mode will serve a simple nginx-like directory listing, and it only work with one drive. upload will be ignored in this mode.
On the top of the script, change lite: false into lite: true, than thats all.

Telegram Bot for Covert Telegram Media file to Streamable Video with Custom Thumbnail Support

Telegram Bot for Covert Telegram Media file to Streamable Video with Custom Thumbnail Support
TG_BOT_TOKEN: @BotFather


/start - Check if the Bot is Online! 
/help - How to use this Bot? 
/upgrade - Upgrade your status 
/converttovideo - Convert to Streamable Video

Credit: @Spechide

How To Create Telegram Screenshot | Trim | Sample Video Generator Bot

Telegram Bot For Screenshot Generation. An attempt to implement the screenshot generation of telegram files without downloading the entire file. and 

1. Screenshot Generation - Generates screenshots from telegram video files or streaming links. Number of screenshots range from 2-10. And Watermark, Colors 
2. Sample Video Generation Generates sample video from telegram video files or streaming links. Video duration range from 30s to 150s. Configurable in /settings
3. Video Trimming - Trims any telegram video files or streaming links. Video duration depends on the environment. By default upto 10 mins (600s).
Essay Way To Install

Step 1

API_ID (required):
API_HASH (required):

AUTH_USERS (required): @MissRose_bot
BOT_TOKEN (required): @BotFather
DATABASE_URL (required):

Step 2

Create HOST

API_ID (required):
API_HASH (required):
Bot Father: @BotFather

NOTE 1: Bot Token should be same in Step 1 & 2
NOTE 2 : Heroku is giving only 550Hr/Month for free Users. Recommended to create Separate Heroku Accounts for Step 1 & 2

Supported commands

/start - Command to start bot or check whether bot is alive.
/settings - Command to configure bot's behavior'
/set_watermark - Command to add custom watermark text to screenshots. Usage: /set_watermark watermark_text.
/status - Admin/Auth users only command. Returns number of total users.
/ban_user - Admin/Auth users only command. Command to ban any user. Usage: /ban_user user_id ban_duration ban_reason. user_id - telegram id of the user, ban_duration - ban duration in days, ban_reason - reason for ban. All 3 parameters are required.
/unban_user - Admin/Auth users only command. Command to ban any banned user. Usage: /unban_user user_id. user_id - telegram id of the user. The parameter is required.
/banned_users - Admin/Auth users only command. Command to view all banned users. Usage: 
/banned_users This takes no parameters.


*Upload Mode - Screenshot upload mode. Either as image file or as document file. Defaults to as image file.
*Watermark - Watermark text to be embedded to screenshots. Texts upto 30 characters supported. Disabled by default.
*Watermark Color - Font color to be used for watermark. Any of white, black, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, brown, gold, silver, pink. Defaults to white.
*Watermark Font Size - Font size to be used for watermarks. Any of small(30), medium(40), large(50). Defaults to medium.
*Sample Video Duration - Sample video's duration. Any of 30s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 150s. Defaults to 30s.
Screenshot Genetation Mode - Either random or equally spaced. Defaults to equally spaced.

Support Group & Support Channel
Credit: @odysseusmax 

How To Create Telegram Friday UserBot

BEST EVER USERBOT WITH AWESOME FEATURES AND BETTER THAN OTHER BOTS. Best User Bot To Manage Your Telegram Account. Most PowerFul And Better And Secure !

Support Group: @FridayOt

Easy Way Installing


Rose Bot: @MissRose_bot
SUDO_USERS: @MissRose_bot

The Normal Way

Simply clone the repository and run the main file:
git clone
cd FridayUserbot
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# <Create with variables as given below>
python3 -m userbot
An example file could be:
Not All of the variables are mandatory
The Userbot should work by setting only the first two variables
from heroku_config import Var

class Development(Var):
  APP_ID = 6
  API_HASH = "eb06d4abfb49dc3eeb1aeb98ae0f581e"

UniBorg Configuration

The UniBorg Config is situated in userbot/
Heroku Configuration Simply just leave the Config as it is.
Local Configuration Fortunately there are no Mandatory vars for the UniBorg Support Config.

How To Make Own Telegram Rename Bot

Hello, How To Create Your Own Telegram Rename Free Bot. No Limit

AUTH_USERS: @MissRose_bot
TG_BOT_TOKEN: @BotFather

Credit: TG Bots UpdatesInFoTel Group

Boost Telegram Download & Upload Speed

How To Create Own Torrent To G-drive Telegram Bot

What is this repo about?

This is a telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive.


This project is heavily inspired from @out386 's telegram bot which is written in JS.

Features supported:

  • Magnet or torrent to gdrive
  • Mirroring direct download links to google drive
  • Download progress
  • Upload progress
  • Download/upload speeds and ETAs
  • Docker support
  • Uploading To Team Drives.
  • Index Link support
  • Service account support
  • Mirror all youtube-dl supported links
  • Mirror telegram files

Repo Link:

NB: Usage of Aria2 may leads to the suspension of your heroku account so deploy at your own risk.


AUTH_CHATS: @MissRose_bot
BOT_TOKEN: @BotFather
Google Drive:
Cloud Flare :
OAuth API credential:

Note: You can limit maximum concurrent downloads by changing the value of MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS in By default, it's set to 2
Fill up rest of the fields in app.json. Meaning of each fields are discussed below:
  • BOT_TOKEN : The telegram bot token that you get from @BotFather
  • GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID : This is the folder ID of the Google Drive Folder to which you want to upload all the mirrors.
  • DOWNLOAD_DIR : The path to the local folder where the downloads should be downloaded to
  • DOWNLOAD_STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVAL : A short interval of time in seconds after which the Mirror progress message is updated. (I recommend to keep it 5 seconds at least)
  • OWNER_ID : The Telegram user ID (not username) of the owner of the bot
  • AUTO_DELETE_MESSAGE_DURATION : Interval of time (in seconds), after which the bot deletes it's message (and command message) which is expected to be viewed instantly. Note: Set to -1 to never automatically delete messages
  • IS_TEAM_DRIVE : (Optional field) Set to "True" if GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID is from a Team Drive else False or Leave it empty.
  • USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS: (Optional field) (Leave empty if unsure) Whether to use service accounts or not. For this to work see "Using service accounts" section below.
  • INDEX_URL : (Optional field) Refer to The URL should not have any trailing '/'
  • API_ID : This is to authenticate to your telegram account for downloading Telegram files. You can get this from DO NOT put this in quotes.
  • API_HASH : This is to authenticate to your telegram account for downloading Telegram files. You can get this from
  • SESSION_STRING : Session string generated by running:

Youtube-dl authentication using .netrc file

For using your premium accounts in youtube-dl, edit the netrc file (in the root directory of this repository) according to following format:
machine host login username password my_youtube_password
where host is the name of extractor (eg. youtube, twitch). Multiple accounts of different hosts can be added each separated by a new line

Credit: @W4RR10R @ViruZs & lzzy12 (Code)

Boost Telegram Download & Upload Speed

How To Create Your Own Telegram File To Link Generation Bot


A Telegram bot that can stream Telegram files to users over HTTP.


Install dependencies (see requirements.txt), configure environment variables (see below) and run with python3 -m tgfilestream.
A reverse proxy is recommended to add TLS. When using a reverse proxy, keep HOST as-is, but add the publicly accessible URL to PUBLIC_URL. The URL should include the protocol, e.g.
Source Code:
Telegram Api:
Bot Father: @BotFather

Environment variables
  • TG_API_ID (required) - Your Telegram API ID.
  • TG_API_HASH (required) - Your Telegram API hash.
  • TG_SESSION_NAME (defaults to tgfilestream) - The name of the Telethon session file to use.
  • PORT (defaults to 8080) - The port to listen at.
  • HOST (defaults to localhost) - The host to listen at.
  • PUBLIC_URL (defaults to http://localhost:8080) - The prefix for links that the bot gives.
  • TRUST_FORWARD_HEADERS (defaults to false) - Whether or not to trust X-Forwarded-For headers when logging requests.
  • DEBUG (defaults to false) - Whether or not to enable extra prints.
  • LOG_CONFIG - Path to a Python basic log config. Overrides DEBUG.
  • REQUEST_LIMIT (default 5) - The maximum number of requests a single IP can have active at a time.
  • CONNECTION_LIMIT (default 20) - The maximum number of connections to a single Telegram datacenter.
  • TG_START_MESG - The message that should be shown in Telegram chat, in case of non-media message.

How to get TG_SESSION_NAME string

Run Console in Heroku python3 and follow.
  • Note: When it will ask for Phone Number and Bot token Give Bot token value

Issue Bot stopped responding

If bot is not responding, open https://<appname> and try again


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