Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts

Telegram November 2021 Android Contest

Prize fund: $50,000
Deadline: 23:59 on November, 15 (Dubai Time)
Results: November, 18

Task: Implement new features in Telegram for Android based on the mockups provided.

• This contest in only open for Russian-speaking developers. Nationality is not important, but you must be fluent in Russian to participate.
• Everyone is welcome to participate, even if they didn't take part in our previous contests.
• Authors of the best submissions may get a chance to join the Telegram team.
• There is the possibility of a second round open to the winners of this round.


GIF Contest - Round 2 of the GIF contest starts now

Dates: 8 Sept - 8 Nov (23:59 Dubai time)
Prize fund: $50,000
Who can take part: Everyone! Even if you didn't participate in Round 1.

The task is similar: create between 10 and 100 GIF-style reaction videos examples here that express emotions similar to these emoji:



In Round 2, you must create reaction videos from iconic and popular movies, series, cartoons, TV shows, etc. examples All reaction videos must meet the technical requirements below.

Technical requirements:

1. Format: MP4, no sound.
2. Aspect ratio: anything between 1:1 – 4:3 ✅ good examples.
- GIFs must not include stripes that make a widescreen video fit in the required format bad example.
- Sides must not be squished to fit the aspect ratio (bad example.
3. Max. duration: 5 seconds.
4. Image quality. Aim for top video quality ✅ good examples, ❌ bad examples.

- No grainy videos with noticeable pixelation, etc.
- No blurry, overexposed videos, etc.
- Cut content carefully: GIFs must not jitter animation too short or jump animation contains irrelevant frames.

5. Max. size: 300 KB. Aim for the smallest size necessary to maintain the level of quality described above (likely around 70-300KB).

6. On-screen text is not required. If you use on-screen text, you must use consistent fonts on all GIFs in your submission. Please keep your source files, because we may ask you to edit the text if your submission wins a prize.

7. Expressiveness and relevance to emoji. All GIFs must be relevant to their chosen emoji and express the emotion clearly. (If you're not sure whether the video shows 😑,😡,🙄 or 😳 – it's probably not a very good fragment).

We will explain how to submit your reaction videos later, stay tuned to @contest.

Reaction videos created in this contest will be watermarked with links to the public channels of their creators – and potentially suggested to Telegram users.

Good luck!

The results of the second round of the Data Clustering Contest have been announced

The results of the second round of the Data Clustering Contest are in. In our evaluation, accuracy and speed were the main criteria. If a submission required adjustments or fixes to make it work, it was penalized accordingly.

1st PLACE – $12,000
  1. Gifted Piranha
2nd PLACE – $7,500
  1. Dark Lizard
  2. Small Goose (-$200 path fixing penalty)
3rd PLACE – $4,000
  1. Mindful Kitten (-$200 rebuilding penalty)
4th PLACE – $2,500
  1. Humble Eagle
  2. Sharp Sloth
  3. Gifted Lemur
  4. Bright Deer
  5. Hip Hyena
  6. Quick Beaver (-$200 rebuilding penalty)
  7. Daring Frog (-$200 rebuilding penalty)
  8. Tall Raccoon (-$200 rebuilding penalty)
More detailed information on each submission is available on the contest platform.
Stay tuned for more contests and results this summer!

New contest for Android Designers!

Prize fund: at least $30,000 – from which the 1st place winner will receive $10,000 if any submissions qualify for the 1st prize.

Task: Develop a comprehensive concept of voice and video calls for Telegram X on Android that includes one-on-one calls, as well as group calls in voice chats.


Deadline: 23:59 on August, 1 (Dubai Time)

Who can take part: Anyone.

How to submit: @ContestBot will start accepting archives with submissions closer to the deadline.

iOS Contest, Round 3 (watchOS)

The third round of the iOS contest starts now. Everyone can participate, even if they didn't take part in the previous rounds. The task is the same as in the second round  – to create a working watchOS app based on the mockups provided.

Deadline: June 6, 23:59 Dubai time.
Prize fund: $40,000

Who can participate: Everyone. We expect the participants of the second round to improve their submissions. We also invite new participants to join.

TDLib: Most of the participants of the second round based their apps on TDLib . At that time, TDLib wasn’t optimized to run on WatchOS. We have recently updated TDLib to better support WatchOS. We hope that this will result in a significant improvement in stability and performance of apps submitted in this new round.

The Task:
Create a standalone Telegram app for watchOS 7 in Swift without using third-party UI frameworks (using TDLib is allowed). Bonus points if the app also supports watchOS 6.

The app should support:

- Logging in via QR Code with support for accounts protected by a 2-Step Verification password.

- Viewing the chat list.

- Opening chats with users, groups, channels.

- Viewing messages in chats, including text messages and all types of attachments: photos, videos, files, voice and video messages, locations, contacts, static and animated stickers, polls and quizzes.

- Sending messages via voice message and text, as well as sending current location, stickers, emoji or canned text.

- Sending new messages to existing chats, by replying to notifications, and via the 'New Message' button in the chat list.

- Swiping right in the chat list to open Settings.

- Accessing the Archive and Saved Messages.

- Changing Notification settings.

- Changing Data settings.

- Terminating sessions from the Devices menu.

Your app should run on WatchOS 7. The design implementation should be identical to the mockups (Sketch , PNG).

You are welcome to view the API docs  and inspect the source code of Telegram for iOS. The main criteria for us to identify the winners will be the speed and stability of the apps – as well as attention to detail.

The primary objective is to implement viewing messages in chats, sending text messages and push notification support.

We understand that you may not be able to support all the features from our list before the deadline. During evaluation we will note the number of features implemented flawlessly. The largest prizes will be awarded to contestants who implemented the largest number of features without major issues.
Note that features on list are sorted by their relative importance.

Contestants will be able to submit their apps to @ContestBot closer to the end of this round.

Data Clustering Contest 2021, Round 2

Prize fund in round 2: $50,000.
Deadline: 23:59 on May, 2 (Dubai Time)
Task: improve the C/C++ library you created in Round 1 to determine the topic of Telegram channels based on provided data.

- Only participants of Round 1 ( take part.
- Categories should be determined for channels in English, Russian, Arabic, Persian and Uzbek.
- Samples include more banned content than in Round 1, added 8 new categories.
- Samples include more data: number of subscribers, total number of text posts, total number of posts containing various media, metadata for media and links.


Aptitude Test Contest: Results

The results of the Aptitude Test Contest () are here!
This contest was one of the most involved, requiring that participants pass our evaluation tests to take part, and then demanding their constant attention for over 1.5 months.

We have split the entire remaining €250,000 Quiz Contest prize pool among those participants who completed all the tasks:

Participants had to design a set of 30-question Quizzes which tested three aptitude groups:

• English Language

• Mathematical Ability

• Spatial & Logical Thinking

They then reviewed 9 Quizzes from other participants (that's 270 questions) and submitted rebuttals – reflecting on the reviews their work received. Finally, Telegram Judges analyzed the content of each Quiz, its adherence to the rules and its overall usefulness. The quality of Peer Reviews and the validity of Rebuttals was also assessed.

All of these ratings produced a final Contest Score for each Quiz, between 1 and 4.3.
There are 4 reward tiers for this contest, per Quiz:
  • – €3000 – Contest Score 4+
  • – €1500 – Contest Score 3+
  • – €500 – Contest Score 2.1+
  • – €50 – Contest Score 2 and below
Bonuses were awarded for Outstanding Peer Reviews. Penalties were incurred for Unoriginal Content and Low-effort Peer Reviews.

You can view all of the participants and their results here:
Congratulations! 🥳

Telegram is looking for a data center engineer

This vacancy appeared on the official website of the messenger. It is worth noting that it was in the European data center that several failures occurred in a couple of months, as a result of which there were problems with access to the messenger throughout Eurasia. The European segment remains the most problematic among the rest of Telegram's infrastructure.

Responsibilities: creation, development, maintenance and troubleshooting of European Telegram infrastructure and network equipment, work with suppliers and representatives of data centers, participation in operational procedures, effective work with field projects.

Preferences: years of experience in troubleshooting and operating data centers, high knowledge of cabling and more, multitasking, dedication, ability to work in the EU without sponsorship.


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