
Who Sees My Phone Number on Telegram

In one of the latest updates, the Telegram development team added new items in the "Privacy" settings - Who can see your phone number. Sometimes users
In one of the latest updates, the Telegram development team added new items in the "Privacy" settings - Who can see your phone number. Sometimes users see the phone number of people who did not have it before. To avoid unnecessary suspicions about "leaks", let's figure out how phone numbers work in a profile and what can be changed in the new settings.

Since the creation of Telegram, the numbers have worked as follows: if a person is recorded in your contacts, you see his number in Telegram as well. Logical enough.

Less well known was the following point, described in the FAQ. Denis's phone number was recorded in your contacts, but he did not know your number. If you write to Denis, he will see your number. It works the same way as SMS - you will see the number of the person who wrote to you.

In the fall of 2018, this item in the FAQ was changed . From that moment on, you only saw the phone number of your contacts (the principle “like SMS” no longer worked). Perhaps the changes occurred after spammers began to throw their phone into the victim's private chat, hoping that he would keep this contact, thereby giving out his personal number.

In June 2019, there are new privacy settings. As before, if someone's number is in your address book, you see the number in the contact's profile in Telegram. By default, as it was before the fall of 2018, all your contacts (people whose number is in your notebook) receive your phone number.

What do the different options for setting “Who can see my number on Telegram” mean:

1. Everybody. 
An option useful for firms, companies, entrepreneurs, etc. - everyone can see your number in your profile.
2. My contacts. 
(default) Standard behavior until fall 2018 - all your contacts see your number. You can add exceptions for specific people as well as for entire groups. The number is also seen by those who saved it on their own.
3. Nobody
since Summer 2019, the behavior of the setting has changed, when you select it, the advanced options for the setting “Who can find me by number in Telegram” are displayed. In exceptions, you can allow the number to be shown to specific people or entire groups.

What do the different options for setting “Who can find me by my number on Telegram” mean:
All. Users who have saved the number to the phone book will see it in Telegram as well.
My contacts. Users who have saved the number in the phone book will see it in Telegram, provided that you have added them to contacts.

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