Showing posts with label telegram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label telegram. Show all posts

How To Make Telegram Automated Filter Bot V2 | Unlimited Filters & Channels

You can call this as an Auto Filter Bot if you like :D. Bot simply search for the files from provided channel according to given query and gives link to those files as buttons!
Any Bugs or Errors or Suggestions, Report: @TroJanzSupport

How to use the bot

  • Add bot to your group with admin rights.
  • Add bot to all channels which you want to link with all admin rights!

Bot Commands - Works in Group only

(You need to be a Auth User in order to use these commands)
  • /add channelid - Links channel to your group. or /add @channelusername - Links channel to your group.
  • /del channelid - Delinks channel from group or /del @channelusername - Delinks channel from group
NOTE : You can get connected channel details by /filterstats
  • /filterstats - Check connected channels and number of filters.
  • /delall - Removes all connected channels and filters from group!

Deploy in your vps

git clone 
cd Auto-Filter-Bot -V2
pip3 install -r requirements.txt 
# <Create appropriately> 


AUTH_USERS: @MissRose_bot
DOC_SEARCH: Should bot search for document files ( Give 'yes' or 'no' )
MUSIC_SEARCH: Should bot search for music files ( Give 'yes' or 'no' )
TG_BOT_TOKEN - @BotFather
VID_SEARCH: Should bot search for video files ( Give 'yes' or 'no' )


How To Make Telegram Automated Filter Bot | Unlimited Filters

You can call this as an Auto Filter Bot if you like :D. Bot simply search for the files from provided channel according to given query and gives link to those files as buttons!
Any Bugs or Errors or Suggestions, Report: @TroJanzSupport

NOTE : If the channel is not created by the user whose string is generated, add that user to your channel

How to use the bot

  1. Add user account to your channel !
  2. Add bot to group with admin rights.
  3. Deploy the bot.
  4. Once deployed and bot is started, send a message to channel (must do step)
  5. Bot will work now :)

Deploy in your vps

git clone 
cd Auto-Filter-Bot 
pip3 install -r requirements.txt 
# <Create appropriately> 



Credits :

Telegram users distribution by region

Telegram provided user distribution by region in their financial report.

The data:
  • Asia – 38%
  • Europe – 26%
  • Middle East – 17%
  • North and South America – 12%
  • Africa – 7%
According to previous data from Pavel Durov, 11% of active users are from India and 7% are from Russia.
India is 8% of signups and 11% of monthly users on Telegram. No other country is bigger on Telegram than India, which is logical given it is the largest free country in terms of population. - Durov

Telegram Update Brings Auto-Delete Feature, Home Screen Widgets, Expiring Invite Links, and More

This update brings an auto-delete timer for messages in any chat, as well as new flexible invite links and faster access to your chats with home screen widgets. Also, groups can now have unlimited members.

Auto-Delete Messages

Some conversations aren't meant to last forever, which is why Telegram users can  delete messages for all participants in a conversation at any time, without a trace. Since 2013, users can also set a self-destruct timer for messages in Secret Chats.

Starting today, you can enable an auto-delete timer in all Telegram chats, which will automatically erase messages for all participants either 24 hours or 7 days after sending.

Auto-delete only applies to messages sent after the timer is set, earlier messages will stay in the chat history. Unlike in Secret Chats, the countdown starts when messages are sent, not read.

To enable the timer on Android, tap ⋮ > Clear History then choose a duration.
On iOS, press and hold a message, tap Select > Clear Chat (top-left) > Enable Auto-Delete.

All messages show a countdown to their deletion time – simply tap on Android or press and hold on iOS to take a look. 

In groups and channels, only admins can enable or modify the timer.

Home Screen Widgets

For instant access to your most important chats, add a Telegram widget to your home screen. The Chat Widget shows a preview of recent messages, while the Shortcut Widget shows only names and profile pictures.

On Android, chats and messages in the widget will always be up to date, and you can further expand the widget to take up more of your screen. On iOS, widgets will only get fresh data occasionally and can't be expanded – this is due to system limitations.

To add a widget, press and hold on your home screen, then tap Widgets on Android or the (+) on iOS and search for Telegram.

Expiring Invite Links

Invite links are a quick and easy way to bring 1 or  1 million people to your groups and channels. Along with the main invite link, owners and admins can now create additional links with a limited durationnumber of uses, or both.

Any invite link can be converted into a scannable QR Code to put on everything from brochures to billboards. You can also see which users joined using each invite link to find out where new members came from or which format has been most effective for growth. 

To view and manage invite links, tap to open your Group or Channel's Profile > Edit > Invite Links. Tap (⋮) or (⋯) to convert a link to a QR Code.

Groups with Unlimited Members

Telegram groups allow up to 200,000 members to exchange messages, media and stickers. Groups that are close to the limit can now convert into Broadcast Groups that allow unlimited members.

Converting to a Broadcast Group makes it so that only admins can send messages, but members can still join voice chats.

Broadcast Groups are ideal for large communities, where people can follow along and catch exclusive interviews, news, or just casual talks.

Improved Chat Import

Our developers are continuing to refine and expand the chat import feature added to Telegram last month. With today’s update, imported messages will now appear sorted by their original date if added to a Telegram chat that is new or has fewer than 1000 messages.

Sorting by original date is currently available when importing to all one-on-one chats, all newly created groups, and smaller existing groups.

Improved Reporting System

Telegram processes millions of user reports each month to make sure the platform is not abused. To help make this more efficient, we will now always ask you to select specific messages when sending a report.

Additionally, all reporting options allow you to add a comment to give more context – like when reporting fake accounts.

And More Animated Emoji

A new update always means new animations, so test out the new characters below by sending a single emoji in any chat.

That's all for today's changes, this message will now delete in 3, 2, 1 … oh. Never mind, this is a blog post, they don't do that yet. 

February 23, 2021
The Telegram Team

How To Make Telegram Music Voice Chat Bot On Heroku

To make this repo compatible with heroku and avoid unnecessary conflicts we have to break down this whole project into two different parts and deploy as different apps so let's get started.

  • Here is the place where this repo (which you are reading this readme) comes into picture
  • As usual hit deploy to heroku button
  • Enter bot token and websocket url (which we got from the above step)
  • click deploy and sit back until docker finishes the build
  • turn on your dyno (if its off)
  • if everything goes fine you should see something like @username is running... in the log
  • Voila!

How To Import Your Chats From WhatsApp To Telegram

Over 100 million new users joined Telegram this January, seeking more privacy and freedom. But what about the messages and memories that remain in older apps?

Starting today, everyone can bring their chat history – including videos and documents – to Telegram from apps like WhatsApp, Line and KakaoTalk. This works both for individual chats and groups:

To move a chat from WhatsApp on iOS, open the Contact Info or Group Info page in WhatsApp, tap Export Chat, then choose Telegram in the Share menu.

On Android, open a WhatsApp chat, tap ⋮ > More > Export Chat, then choose Telegram in the Share menu:

Move Chats and Save Space

The best part is that the messages and media you move don’t need to occupy extra space. Older apps make you store all data on your device – but Telegram can take up virtually no space while letting you access all your messages, photos and videos anytime you need them.

How To Make Telegram Music Voice Chat Bot On

REPO Voice Chat: (Credit)


Remote Desktop (Android):


Sign in with your Github account and fork this repo.

  • Go here Zeet
  • Sign into Zeet with your Github account
  • Now Choose New Project and choose GitHub repo and give access to your fork ,then click on Deploy Now.
  • Now Zeet will automatically starts building from the Dockerfile. Wait for the build to finish.
  • After completing the build you have to configure the Environment Variables.


  • You will need to set the following Environment Variables for your VoiceChatPyroBot

API_ID :Get your api id from

API_HASH :Get your api hash from

TOKEN :Get your bot token from @BotFather

SUDO_USERS : A list of user ids which can pause, skip and change volume, Enter each id's seperated by a space.

GROUP  : The id of the group where your bot plays.

MONGO_DB_URI : your MongoDB URI (you can get one for free in their official website, sign up, create a cluster and a database named "vcpb")

USERS_MUST_JOIN : If true, only users which are in the group can use the bot.

LANG : your bot language, choose an available language code in VoiceChatPyroBot

DUR_LIMIT: Max video duration in minutes for downloads

⚠️ The Following variables are Compulsory (Others will use default values if not set)

GROUP  (If USERS_MUST_JOIN is set to True)
  • If the remaining values are not set then the Default values are:
 LANG = en (english)
  • After setting the Evnironment Variables save them and Wait for the Deploy to finish.

  • Once Deploying is finished check if your bot is working. If not make sure that you set the Environment variables Correct.

  • Once all are perfect now its time to setup XRDP to strat RDP connection.

  • Go to Your Zeet dashboard and select the deployed app and start the Zeet Terminal.

  • Start xrdp by running the bash script by running /

  • Once its started succesfully close the terminal and copy the PUBLIC IPS from Zeet Dashboard

  • Open a remote desktop client and login to your user. The default credentials are:-

  •             ls

    Username :vcpb 
    Password :music
  • If you want to edit the username and password , you can do it by editing the values in createusers.txt file. the foremat is username:password:is SUDO or not(Y/N)

    • ℹ️ If you are changing the default user , you may need to change the same in also .
  • Once after loging in , you can see a file named Telegram in /home/vcpb/Telegram Directory (You may see some error messages, Since many mate utils are not preset , ignore(delete) those.)

  • Execute it and login into your telegram account and Join a Voicechat.

    • ℹ️ No need to change the default microphone as MySink is already default Mic.

Bot Commands

Inorder to command the bot send one of the mentioned commands below with a / prefix

start - start the bot

song - check the playing song

volume - check the current volume

queue - check songs in the queue

pause - pause the playing song (sudo users only)

resume - resume the paused song (sudo users only)

play - same as resume (sudo users only)

skip - skip the playing song (sudo users only)

stream - stream a radio (sudo users only)

cleardownloads - delete all downloads (sudo users only)

playlist - see the items in the playlist (sudo users only)

clear_playlist - clear the items in the playlist (sudo users only)

play_playlist - play the items in the playlist (sudo users only)

How To Host Telegram Bot on Scaleway

1. Lets create a Scaleway Account first!


Enter required details and signup with Scaleway !

Card verification is required for signup! You'll be charged some amount for verification and the same will be refunded within few hours. So don't worry. 

2. Making an instance in Scaleway

Choose appropriate plan!

Creating a SSH key
Download PuTTY:

*Create a new SSH Public key and copy paste it in Instance config page.
*Save it as our Private key.
*Create instance.

3. Connecting to the instance!

- Connecting to instance with our SSH key

        hostname : root@ipaddress

- You'll be logged in as a root user!

- Create a new user with sudo privileges ( cause it's better that way)

        sudo adduser  <newusername>

        sudo usermod -aG  sudo  <newusername>

        su - <newusername>

- Now whenever you login to your instance, change to your user by;

        su - <newusername>

Some required commands,

         sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

NOTE : Use Enter key to run your commands. Use right click to paste your copied command into terminal.

4. Setting up your repository

Configure Marie Bot Repo;

Clone the source code of Marie

Source code :

Create file from

#Bot Token: from Bot Father
#Owner ID: from Rose ( /id )
#Owner username: Any name
#Database URL: Install Postgres server in our Instance and get

5. Install and setup a Postgres Server

Connect to your instance, then run;
         sudo apt-get update
         sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Give sudo permission to user
         sudo usermod -aG sudo postgres

Set a new password
         sudo passwd postgres
Password will be invisible, don't worry!

Login to Postgres
         su - postgres

Create new user for psql
         createuser --interactive --pwprompt

# enter a name for user
# enter a password for user
# give superuser power

You can give any name and password!!

Create a database and assign user
        createdb -O <username> <newdbname>

Allow remote access
         nano /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf

Uncomment, and change the value;

#listen_addresses = 'localhost'
listen_addresses = '*'

This will allow Postgres connections from anyone.
USE ctrl + o and press enter to save the file and ctrl + x to exit the editor

Allow Connections from everyone 
         nano /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf

Modify this section;

# IPv4 local connections:

host all all md5


# IPv4 local connections:

host all all md5

this will allow anyone to connect to your db using the username and password!
USE ctrl + o and press enter to save the file and ctrl + x to exit the editor

Allow port 5432
         sudo ufw allow 5432/tcp

Restart postgres to apply changes
         sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Now, your DB Uri will be;

6. Hosting Marie repo

Connect to your instance using putty

connect again using putty or;

press ctrl + a + d to go back to your user from our current screen

Using screens is a better way to run your programs.
        screen -S marie

This will open a new screen inside our main terminal.

Clone your source code to your instance

        git clone <your_repo_url>

Enter your Github username and password and hit enter!

Change your current directory

        cd <reponame>

Install required dependencies.
        sudo apt install python3-pip
        pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Start your BOT !
        python3 -m tg_bot

Your BOT is ready to use :)
now your bot is ready with nearly unlimited filters....
:) thank you

Some Usefull commands;

> To detach from current screen
Ctrl + a + d ( hold Ctrl and press a and d sequentially )

> To see all active screens
screen -ls

> To attach to a screen
screen -r number

>To detach from a screen
screen -d number

>To logout from terminal with BOT running in screen
Ctrl + a + d

Credit: @PrGofficial
Documented by: @PrGofficial

Telegram adds always on voice chats, SD card support, and new animations

As the year draws to a close, Telegram is pushing out a new update that adds to what is already one of the most feature-rich messaging apps. The most interesting addition is Voice Chats, which allows users in a group chat to participate in an always-on conference call, coming and going as they please.

Once activated (by an admin), group chats will have a special bar at the top that shows how many members are currently involved in the voice chat. Android users can further this experience by enabling a system-wide floating widget. Notably, the feature can support up to a "few thousand participants," but I'm having trouble imagining how that could go well.

Voice Chats will also be available on iOS, Windows, and macOS. On desktop, you'll be able to assign a push-to-talk key to send messages even when Telegram is not focused. The new update brings a few other improvements too. Something you'll immediately notice is the new animations that are littered throughout the Android app. And yes, you can finally move your data from internal storage to an SD card.

Telegram's media editing tools on Android and iOS are now on par with one another. You can now add effects, drawings, or stickers to an already-sent photo on Android, while Apple users gain the the ability to quickly edit and send back photos. Finally, the update brings more animated emojis and will also show outlines of stickers before they load, making it a tad quicker to select an appropriate one.

How To Make Own Telegram YouTube Video Downloading Bot

If u downlaod videos very frequently.. google will block your ip. It's Safe for personal use ... But for large audience keep proper time gap on next request / downlaod

Youtube Dl bot ðŸ˜‰



install dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Setup Bot

- Change configuration  File
- install dependencies
- python3 -m bot

How To Host Telegram Bot on AWS - Amazon Web Services

How to Deploy Marie Bot using AWS 

Configure your Instance;

    1. Create an AWS account!

    Link :

    2. Launch an EC2 instance.

    3. Convert PEM file to PPK file using PuTTY

    Download PuTTY :

    4. Connect to EC2 instance using PuTTy

5. Some required commands,
        sudo apt update
        sudo apt upgrade
        sudo apt-get install python3-pip

NOTE: Use Enter key to run your commands.

Use right click to paste your copied command into terminal.

Now your instance is ready to USE!

Configure Marie Bot REPO;

1. Clone the source code of Marie

Source code:

2. Create file from

    Bot Token : from Bot Father @botfather

    Owner ID : from Rose ( /id ) @MissRose_bot

    Owner username : Any name

    Database URL : from AWS

Deploy your Marie REPO in AWS instance;

1. Using screens is a better way to run your programs.

        screen -S marie

This will open a new screen inside our main terminal.

2. Clone your source code to your instance

        git clone <your_repo_url>

Enter your GitHub username and password and hit enter!

3. Change your current directory

        cd <repo name>

4. Install required dependencies.

        pip3 install -r requirements.txt

5. Start your BOT !

        python3 -m tg_bot

Your BOT is ready to use :)

Some Usefull commands;

> To detach from current screen

Ctrl + a + d ( hold Ctrl and press a and d sequentially )

> To see all active screens

screen -ls

> To attach to a screen

screen -r number

>To detach from a screen

screen -d number

>To logout from terminal with BOT running in screen

Ctrl + a + d


AWS Free Tier Has many limitations. Some Important things to know!!

> Free tier instances will be available for 1 year! After that it will be charged. You need to either pay or need to delete the instance.

> It will be completely free for 1 Year if you stay within the limits!!

> Free Tier has 15GB Bandwidth limit/Month. That is, You cant host any bots that transfers data outside of server. Like Rename or Upload bots! Because Uploading your file to telegram counts as Outbound traffic. And 15 GB is too less for that!

> Max Storage allocated for free tier is 30GB! If you select above that, Your card will be billed!

> AWS RDS Postgres DB used for Marie BOT is free for 12 months. You must delete you DB Before free tier ENDS or else your card will be billed!
If you plan to use free, all you filters will be lost after 1 year!
So better use any other DB instead of AWS RDS if you want to keep your filters. Heroku Postgres DB is also a option!
Simply copy the DB URL from heroku and paste in file :)

> Only make one instance in free tier! If you make two, you will be Billed!

This is just a TUTORIAL on how to host bots inside a VPS or VPC etc!
We are not responsible if you exceed any limits and YOU are charged..

If you are willing to pay for VPS there are many better options other than AWS such as Digital Ocean, Scaleway, Hetzner etc..

Credits: @prgofficial


beta, news, bot, features, bot, tutorial, Userbot, telegram
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