
How To Make YoutTube Videos Uploading Telegram Bot

Hmm I think, its time to make it public, at least this is what i can do. The bot is ready and can be deployed as it is, for those who are interested. Every step is clearly documented and you should not have any issue with it. I'm using the bot and it does help me. I hope it might help you too.

The bot is ready and can be deployed as it is, for those who are interested. Every step is clearly Videoed and you should not have any issue with it. I'm using the bot and it does help me. I hope it might help you too.


  • Head to Bot Father, create new bot and paste the bot token to BOT_TOKEN
  • Source to bot is given here Click Here
  • Head to Manage Apps and get your API_ID and API_HASH, and save it at the respective positions in
  • Paste the bot owner's Telegram id to BOT_OWNER and add AUTH_USERS if you need others to use your bot.
  • Head to Google console, create a new project named Youtube Uploader and enable API'S AND SERVISES. Search for YOUTUBE DATA API v3 and enable the API. Go to Credentials page, select your project Youtube Uploader create a new credential with other as type. Copy the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET and paste them to
  • All the contents of must be kept secret as they contain sensitive informations

Special notes

  • With the Youtube Data API you are awarded with 10,000 points of requests. For one video upload it costs 1605 points, regardless of file size, which calculates to about 6 uploads daily. Once you have exhausted your daily points, you have to wait till daily reset. Resets happens at 0:00 PST, i.e. 12:30 IST. So make your uploads count.
  • Uploading copyright contents will leads to immediate blocking of the video, and will not be added to your MyVideossection of youtube. But still the video can be played directly through the link provided by the bot.
  • All the videos are uploaded as private. You may change it after youtube processes the video.

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